Sunday, September 2, 2012

Three simple (and economical) methods to clear away negative emotion and toxins daily


Detoxification need not be something to dread as an expensive, complicated and exhausting ordeal. A few quick, daily habits can flush out physical and emotional toxins gently and easily. Air, water and a brush are the magical trio that encourage a healthy body, sparking mind and balanced emotions.


Breathing usually is not something we think about since it comes so naturally. But a majority of people really don't breathe correctly, especially in our fast-paced world. The breath tends to be constricted, shallow and stressed. This style of breathing deprives us of much needed oxygen -- contributing to brain fog, fatigue and accumulation of toxins. But this problem is easily solved with a bit of awareness, intention and a breathing technique called kapalbhati -- "sparkling mind" in Sanskrit. The first breathing habit to cultivate is awareness of the breath. Most people only breath from the upper portion of the lungs, but we really need to draw air in fully with the diaphragm. Take a few moments through out the day to breathe deeply. By taking in more oxygen, tissues are effectively detoxified, the mind is clarified and the nervous system is calmed -- leading to positive, emotional states. Next, the kapalbhati practice. Here are the instructions according to Pure Inside Out:

Sit in a comfortable position with spine erect...

Learn more:

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